An explanation of the Solana dataset within Nansen Query.
Introduction & Background
Solana generates significant amount of data and it can be expensive to query
We've parsed the information into groups so it's easier to query
All raw Solana event data is included in the
Basic Blockchain Information
This is full information directly from the blockchain and the most expensive to query
: data about each block producedtransactions
: data about each transaction
Program Instructions
Each Solana transaction contains instructions for other programs and accounts. Parsing the instructions can be complicated when using the transaction data directly
: The un-nested instructions portion of the transaction data. This can be used to quickly search for "program_id", which is the smart contract and "accounts", which are the accounts interacting with that smart contractinitialize_mint_instructions
: The set of instructions only relating to minting of new tokens from the Solana Token program
Account Information
Solana accounts can be one of a wallet, program, token, or vote. This dataset outlines all the non-wallet accounts and when they were initialized (created)
: The list of accounts created on a daily basis and type
Account Information
Non-Wallet Account List
Table Name: non_wallet_accounts_daily
Program Instructions
Full Program Instructions
Table Name: instructions_unnested
Mint Instructions
Table Name: initialize_mint_instructions
Basic Blockchain Information
Last updated