
An explanation of the Solana dataset within Nansen Query.

Introduction & Background

  • Solana generates significant amount of data and it can be expensive to query

  • We've parsed the information into groups so it's easier to query

  • All raw Solana event data is included in the raw_solana dataset

Basic Blockchain Information

  • This is full information directly from the blockchain and the most expensive to query

    • blocks: data about each block produced

    • transactions: data about each transaction

Program Instructions

  • Each Solana transaction contains instructions for other programs and accounts. Parsing the instructions can be complicated when using the transaction data directly

    • instructions_unnested : The un-nested instructions portion of the transaction data. This can be used to quickly search for "program_id", which is the smart contract and "accounts", which are the accounts interacting with that smart contract

    • initialize_mint_instructions: The set of instructions only relating to minting of new tokens from the Solana Token program

Account Information

  • Solana accounts can be one of a wallet, program, token, or vote. This dataset outlines all the non-wallet accounts and when they were initialized (created)

    • non_wallet_accounts_daily : The list of accounts created on a daily basis and type

Account Information

Non-Wallet Account List

Table Name: non_wallet_accounts_daily

Program Instructions

Full Program Instructions

Table Name: instructions_unnested

Mint Instructions

Table Name: initialize_mint_instructions

Basic Blockchain Information



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