βš™οΈNansen APIs

The Nansen APIs can be used to retrieve data from reports such as Wallet Profiler, Token God Mode, and token holding balances by Smart Money wallets.

However, with the API, data can be more granular and is available with full history.

For example, the Wallet Profiler report can display the current token holdings of a wallet. Using Nansen API, the wallet’s historical holdings can also be retrieved, allowing for a more detailed analysis of the wallet’s token positions.

Use Cases

  • Retrieving time-series data, for example, smart money token accumulation over time, as a feature for regression

  • Creating custom dashboards, for example, combining Token God Mode's top balance and their respective wallet profiles on a single report


Learn how to retrieve your API access token in this section:


Getting started

Get started with our API using this quick start guide:

βš™οΈpageGetting Started: REST API

Predefined REST endpoints

Check out our predefined endpoints here:

βš™οΈpagePredefined Endpoints

Last updated