
Use these end points to retrieve useful reference information.

This end point returns all the currently supported protocols:

Returns the list of all currently supported protocols

GET https://query.nansen.ai/api/portfolio/protocols

This will return all the protocols currently supported by the our portfolio API and the chain it's supported on. These values can then be used in the protocol API to query the position for a specific address.

Path Parameters




The user's API key


This end point returns information for a specific token:

Returns information on a specific token

GET https://query.nansen.ai/api/portfolio/tokens/{token_address}-{chain}

This will return information about a specific ERC20 token on a chain. The datasource in Coingecko.

Path Parameters




The user's API key

  "address": "0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831",
  "symbol": "USDC",
  "logo": "https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/6319/small/USD_Coin_icon.png?1547042389",
  "decimals": 6,
  "chain": "ARBITRUM",
  "name": "USD Coin",
  "isNative": false,
  "extensions": {
    "coingeckoId": "usd-coin"
  "price": 1,
  "source": "COINGECKO",
  "isBlacklisted": false,
  "isHidden": false,
  "reportCount": 0,
  "createdAt": "2023-07-07T07:54:38.084Z",
  "modifiedAt": "2023-08-21T02:40:26.907Z"

Last updated